Collectibles 5




- C o n c e r t  T i c k e t s -


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Regine's '1990' concert at the Music Museum. I had no idea
who I was going to see. My best friend insisted I hear her.
Good thing he had her tape on hand that night. After I heard
the first few songs I turned around and took the expressway
there in record time. I guess several VIP's didn't show up
because tkt no.1 & 2 was suddenly available. nuks!

It started really slow. I was almost bored until she stopped
all the dancing around and started to just sing. I came to
life when she sang 'Got To Be There'. By the middle I was
already in total absolute shock. By the end of 'If' I was
in tears. I couldn't believe it.

The biggest shock was after the show. Me and my best friend
were the only 2 people there to greet her and her father.



- Narito Ako Concert -

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The concert that made Regine a Superstar.
There was about 3 standing ovations.
Actually 4 but I was standing by myself.

The best parts were Regine & Gary V. dancing.
That Regine & Gary V. duet. And her amazing
rendering of "The Greatest Love of All."

All that after she fell down running off the
stage and giving everyone a virtual heart attack! Sus.

Definitely was a night to remember.




- Regine at CAB NCO Club -


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The show that proved Regine was international material.
This audience was mostly composed of Americans from all
over the U.S. If she could woe them here then she can
anywhere. It was my first major concert to put together.
Her manager even let me pick all the songs for her to sing.
She probably didn't know that when she sent me out to find
her some hall type candies. hehe...
I remember this one American trying to bribe with me with
a wine bottle just to get him in for a picture. But I let
him in free. (really I did)


- Regine In Season -

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That big ticket was unused. Somebody at Primeline
lied to me when they said the teddy bear I was
carrying needed a ticket too. 'Why, you...'
Just Kidding. Excellent show. With Pops pa!


- U.S. Concert Tour -


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Regine's first US tour. Pasadena, San Francisco
and in Settle, Wa.
Watched both shows in Ca.
It was exciting knowing it was most of those
who watched their first time to hear her in person.

Rode her limo, saw the pre-concert, walked the
aisles, carried her make-up (boy, big bag), met
her sponsors, watched her buy shoes, toured her
group at Disneyland, Intro her to gummy bears,
cracked my best jokes, bonded with her cousin,
serious talked her father, hard sold her manager,
fell in love with Jose Mari Chan's wife, got lost in
Chinatown, had to pay for my 'complimentary tickets',
Max out my credit card and spent more money on flowers
than I made in a week! But man,
loved every minute.


- A Song For You -


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This was my favorite Regine concert.
She was very relax and confident on
stage at this point. And she sang some
of my most favorite songs. If I could
only find someone who has a VHS copy.


Anyone out there
willing to help?





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